All under a dramatic sky to add character to the end of the short day.
So, while it does snow in Ireland in winter and spring, it looks a lot like this for the darker months of the year.
Simply put, reflectance is defined as a "measure of the ability of a surface to reflect light or other electromagnetic radiation".
While the polariser hasn't changed the amount of light leaving the surface of the an object, in this case bracken on the hillside, it has remained the same - but the polariser has prevented some of that light from reaching the lens and sensor.
In this case, the striking green landscape of Ireland's Wicklow Mountains, we can easily see the difference between the polarised and non-polarised image.
Perhaps the sheep have a side line as florists, selling to passing motorists.
Join me, Panoramic Ireland, to photograph the famous scenes in Ireland and the not so famous places like this field of daffodils.
Ireland remains green and often bright in winter, the days are now lengthening again after the winter solstice on December 21st.
No images from the recent snow but some video that I might get posted soon.
Perfect for landscape photography and for some forest bathing or shinrin-yoku.
To escape the crowds and experience the hidden places in Ireland, join Panoramic Ireland for a private photography tour in the Irish countryside.
The low, setting sun slips below the ridge and at this time only illuminates the higher slopes of the mountains ahead.