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Displaying items by tag: green

Tuesday, 18 February 2025 02:02

The Green Winter Landscape in Ireland

Ireland, despite a northerly latitude, sees little snow in the winter.

Indeed the countryside remains green for most of the dark months of the year, here mid-winter in the west of Ireland a scene of fields, wooded sections, a high water table and sheep grazing.

All under a dramatic sky to add character to the end of the short day.

So, while it does snow in Ireland in winter and spring, it looks a lot like this for the darker months of the year.

The west of Ireland is Panoramic Ireland's favourite part of Ireland, scenes such as this and a feeling of relaxation that only comes from the western seaboard.

Join me to photograph in the west of Ireland all year round.

Published in Guide

The Irish summer is a strange thing, one day can be hot and sunny and then the next day is cloudy, cold and raining.

And of course we can get all of that in one day too. 

Here, a lush scene of Irish farmland ringed by mountains, a river runs through it. All under a cloudy sky.

It's a patchwork of 1,000 fields, trees line the river and tree-filled hedges mark the boundary between fields all helped by the long daylight hours in summer, plenty of rain and gentle heat.

Published in Guide
Wednesday, 18 October 2023 16:14

Colour of Autumn in Ireland

Lots of colour in places as we head towards the end of October, the recent good spell of warm weather is over and colder, more usual, temperatures have followed.

A proliferation of non-green colours, but actually there is still plenty of green after a summer without extreme heat or an overabundance of sunshine.

It's an incredibly scenic time of year here in Ireland and perfect for photography even if we can't guarantee the weather it's always possible to photograph interesting scenes in the right lighting.

Join Panoramic Ireland to photograph in Ireland, in autumn, winter, spring and summer.

Published in Photo Tours

Polarising filters are probably the most important filters in photography. 

To understand when to use polarisers, it is important to understand reflectance.

Simply put, reflectance is defined as a "measure of the ability of a surface to reflect light or other electromagnetic radiation". 

While the polariser hasn't changed the amount of light leaving the surface of the an object, in this case bracken on the hillside, it has remained the same - but the polariser has prevented some of that light from reaching the lens and sensor.

In this case, the striking green landscape of Ireland's Wicklow Mountains, we can easily see the difference between the polarised and non-polarised image.

The weather has been marvellous over the past week in Ireland, although some cold air has arrived to bring frost but at least no snow.

Here, on a journey through one of Ireland's most scenic counties - Tipperary, I drove along the scenic road to a famous viewpoint known as The Vee to photograph the view of the Galty or Galtee Mountains.

The Galty Mountains reach a height of 917.9m and are Ireland's highest inland mountain range, most of the country's highest peaks are much closer to the coast.

Panoramic Ireland is working on a project featuring the area, if you want to see more of this region of Ireland send me an email.

Published in Guide

Little bunches of daffodils in a stone wall field in the west of Ireland.

Each bunch looks about the right size to make a perfect gift of flowers, ready to cut straight from the field. Daffodils are so colourful at this time of year.

Just out of sight some sheep grazed in the corner of the stone walls, keeping the spring green grass low amongst the daffodils. It makes a contrast to this image of a field full of daffodils.

At the end of March every year, 25th of March this year - 2022, sees the Irish Cancer Society's Daffodil Day where they raise significant amounts of money for their services, find out more about the Irish Cancer Society here.

Perhaps the sheep have a side line as florists, selling to passing motorists.

Join me, Panoramic Ireland, to photograph the famous scenes in Ireland and the not so famous places like this field of daffodils.

Published in Guide
Saturday, 08 January 2022 17:35

Sleet Across the Irish Countryside

The little bit of snow we have had in recent days in Ireland has now gone, melted more by heavy rains than warming temperatures.

Today saw some bright and sunny winter clear skies but also almost-night winter sleet and rain brought by thick, dark clouds.

Here, in the image above this afternoon, a weather front spreads across the green Irish landscape towards me bringing with it sleet, followed by dark, wintry showers just out of scene.

Ireland remains green and often bright in winter, the days are now lengthening again after the winter solstice on December 21st

No images from the recent snow but some video that I might get posted soon.

Join me, perhaps later in the year, when weather conditions improve to learn how to photograph in the Irish countryside.

Panoramic Ireland's photography tours and workshops run all year round.

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Tuesday, 14 September 2021 00:00

Torc Waterfall in Summer, County Kerry

I have written about Torc Waterfall in County Kerry before, my last visit was during the winter on a trip to the Kingdom that saw me photograph snow on the mountains and visit some of the finest sections of Ireland's Wild Atlantic Way.

Here, what is probably Ireland's most photographed waterfall, Torc cascades from behind a natural green curtain of foliage, notably brighter than in the winter image featuring only the darker shades of evergreen holly.

Published in Photo Tours

Ireland is currently (July 18th 2021) in the grip of a heatwave, one that has seen high temperatures all over the island including Northern Ireland's highest recorded temperature of 31.2C.

There are few breezes and little cloud or rain, the beaches are packed and tourist hotspots are literally that - hotspots, in more than one way.

So instead of photographing in the famous places it's time to head to the lesser known parts of the Irish countryside.

Here I found a small, lush and green woodland. Even in the dry heat of summer 2021 this place still holds on to moisture and the bright green colour associated with Ireland.

Perfect for landscape photography and for some forest bathing or shinrin-yoku.

To escape the crowds and experience the hidden places in Ireland, join Panoramic Ireland for a private photography tour in the Irish countryside.

The Enchanted Forest, lush woodland in summer in Ireland
The Enchanted Forest, lush woodland in summer in Ireland
Published in Photo Tours
Monday, 11 January 2021 01:08

Green Roads and Snowy Landscapes in Ireland

Rural lanes in Ireland or Green Roads are remnants of old, sometimes ancient, paths through the countryside. Here on a fine winter's day I headed into the green and colourful landscape to view the mountains under the blue sky.

Ireland has had some cold nights recently in January 2021, winter is well and truly here but for now milder conditions have returned and little remains of the snow even at higher altitudes.

I have written about green roads before, here.

The low, setting sun slips below the ridge and at this time only illuminates the higher slopes of the mountains ahead.

Published in Guide
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