Taking shelter for a short time to have my packed lunch and a good thirst-quenching drink, I photographed the snowy scenes in front of me.
In the distance, in the valley and plains below, the countryside was green with only a few spots of snow in the landscape.
Even with the strong wind, it was relatively warm and I could see that a thaw was well underway.
I was glad to have the right clothing and footwear and indeed my Covid facemask helped to keep breathed-air warm (good for asthmatics) and to protect my face from the wind and reflected light.
On I walked and photographed, enjoying the blue sky and white mountain landscape all the way up to another highpoint where, on my climb, I passed a mountain runner and then on my descent a walker who was enjoying the unusual sights of the snowy countryside.

On my return much of the snow, from just a few hours before, was melting and had turned the path into a stream, with decent flow I might add.
All in all, about four hours in the mountains with plenty of that dedicated to photography.
Join me, to photograph in snow or sunshine, throughout the year.