Displaying items by tag: landscape photography

Sunday, 13 December 2020 22:06

Landscapes of the West of Ireland, Connemara

The sky above the west of Ireland, in particular Connemara, is more impressive than those of the rest of Ireland.

Big, open blue skies and stormy skies stretching for miles are the likely scenes awaiting the photographer and visitor alike.

Panoramic Ireland's photography workshops run all year round in Connemara, in Dublin and throughout Ireland.

Contact me today to find out more about the places and options for 2021.

Big sky over the Atlantic Coast of Connemara, Ireland
Big sky over the Atlantic Coast of Connemara, Ireland


Published in Photo Tours
Sunday, 13 December 2020 01:11

Winter Seascape Photography in Ireland

It's winter now and my mind turns to coastal landscapes.

Here, one from the Antrim Coast of Sheep Island.

Crashing waves batter both sides of the small island, for millennia a well known landmark off this part of the Causeway Coast but now more famous from its appearance in HBO's Game of Thrones.

Sheep Island rises some 30 metres above the North Atlantic with mostly sheer cliffs, a thin layer of soil on top gives a green colour particularly in spring. In centuries past, local farmers would graze sheep out here being able to land only on the calmest of days.

Some doubt that landing a vessel here with sheep is possible, but on a calm day and good local knowledge this would be a difficult, but not impossible, task.

Sheep Island is home to a large proportion of Ireland's population of the northern European sub-species of cormorant and is a protected habitat.

You can just see the coast of Scotland, faintly on the horizon under the grey cloud to the right of Sheep Island in this image.

Sheep Island, Causeway Coast - Antrim
Sheep Island, Causeway Coast - Antrim
Published in Photo Tours

Golden light slowly fills in from the east as sunrise approaches on the Irish Sea coast of Ireland.

Mountains hidden by the night slowly emerge from darkness casting off their shrouds of cloud, gently pushed by the morning breeze.

It might not be possible to travel to Ireland right now, as we approach the end of 2020 but in spring and summer 2021 Ireland will be open to travel and to visitors seeking to view and photograph the seascapes and landscapes of the fine countryside.

Join me, Panoramic Ireland, for a landscape photography tour in Ireland during 2021 - no deposit required.

Seascape at Sunrise, the Irish Coast
Seascape at Sunrise - Landscape Photography of the Irish Coast
Published in Photo Tours
Saturday, 29 August 2020 00:05

Pebbles and Rocks of the Atlantic Coast, Ireland

Ireland is usually seen as the Emerald Isle, with its abundance of green landscapes and old buildings.

Weather plays a big part in the mood of the Irish countryside, and often the conditions make it difficult to photograph those stereotypical, iconic scenes.

Soft scenes like this, with waves washing gently over pebbles below a grey sky - most of the green here seen in the colour of the ocean, make up a large part of the landscape photographer's collection in Ireland.

For when the weather isn't quite a s good as it should be.

Join me, Panoramic Ireland, to learn how to photograph coastal landscape scenes like these.


Coastal Landscape of Ireland, grey weather photography
Coastal Landscape of Ireland, grey weather photography
Published in Photo Tours

July 2020 sees the return of Panoramic Ireland's photography workshops.

For the time being these will be run on a one-to-one or small group basis, with you and your friends.

Improve your photography, landscapes and seascapes on Ireland's fine coast.

Published in Photo Tours

Few autumn landscape scenes can be more alluring to the photographer than a woodland stream with waterfall.

Here in Tollymore, one of Northern Ireland's most scenic forest parks, these elements combine beautifully at the beginning of autumn as water falls between the stepping stones on the River Shimna under a canopy of bright green gently beginning to fade towards the reds, yellows and browns of autumn.

No wonder then that the producers of Game of Thrones, HBO, chose this location to film some of the famous TV show, Northern Ireland being home to most of the filming.

And no wonder it is a place that Panoramic Ireland visits often, when travel restarts why not join me at the famous forest park or along the coast of County Down close by.


Published in Photo Tours
Sunday, 19 April 2020 22:36

Under The Bridge, Irish Landscape Photography

Shelter from the elements is often provided by the canopy of a woodland, but when you have a fine old stone bridge it gives even more than shelter from rain and wind, it provides shade and a frame to set the scene.

The small river was fast flowing and deeper than my wellies in places, rocky and clear but under the bridge there was a small area to set up my tripod away from the riverine vibrations.

Photographing in the Irish countryside doesn't always mean the famous locations, many parts of Ireland are scenic and perfect for improving your photographic techniques.

Join me on an online photography session to learn how to photograph better and learn how to organise and edit your images.

Find out more here: https://panoramicireland.com/photography-workshops-ireland/online-photography-class-tutorial-professional-photographer

Published in Photo Tours
Thursday, 09 April 2020 21:12

Triangle Field and Sheep, Ireland

Life in some ways during the current lockdown due to Coronavirus / COVID-19 is continuing as normal, at least in the countryside.

Here sheep roam the fields, one field actually, this triangle-shaped field on the edge of the mountains.

A large tree stands guard over the small patch of land, and along with most of the low-level trees here, remains leafless - for now.

Higher, above, conifers line the top of the flat topped mountain.

In the hedges yellow-orange of the gorse bloom can be seen, a plant that flowers all year round in places.

Published in Miscellaneous
Tuesday, 21 January 2020 00:27

The Peninsulas of Donegal

Donegal is Ireland's most northerly county, its peninsulae jutting out into the North Atlantic with Malin Head being the northernmost point on the island.

And it is a scenic part of Ireland, the coast is long with rocky sections, cliffs, sandy beaches and with more than a few lighthouses it lives up to its reputation as a rugged place.

Published in Photo Tours
Saturday, 11 January 2020 16:19

Bright and Colourful Winter in Ireland

Winter can be cold and monotone in places around the world, but here in Ireland it is more often than not a colourful time of year interspersed with snowy days.

Most of the time, snow is absent even in the mountains except for the rare years.

Here we have the rugged, weathered mountains of the west of Ireland and the Atlantic looking calm.

Published in Guide
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