It's no secret that the West of Ireland is one of Panoramic Ireland's favourite places.
Join me in 2024 to photograph in the beautiful scenic surroundings of Galway, Mayo, Sligo and Donegal.
Here, the first sunset of 2024 in the west as the sun heads for the horizon.
We've had the solstice on December 22nd, 2023 and around now, early January we see the mornings getting brighter earlier here in Ireland.
The winter solstice marks the shortest day of the year and from then on the sunset gets a little later until the start of January when sunrises also become a little earlier.
So, lots to look forward to even though January and February are the coldest months on average in Ireland.
The days continue to get longer.
Panoramic Ireland's photography workshops and tours are running right through the coldest months, the spring and the warmest months of the year in Ireland - all year round - Join me when you visit Ireland.
I'm sure there is some statistical analysis that can be done to predict whether a leaf will fall from its petiole, 20 metres to the ground, to land and become part of the photographer's image or be swiftly carried along by the stream which is fast-flowing and narrow, wide and slow in places, to flow towards the sea.
Or indeed to be thrown on to a rock and deposited there as higher water recedes.
The green moss here vibrant from recent wet weather, the same precipitation that feeds the stream and helps to bring those dried leaves to the ground.
And it's a scenic sight, reds and greens saturating this small corner of the Irish countryside.
The challenge on this morning was to keep the camera dry, but amazingly the afternoon turned to bright sunshine and all with a warm breeze.
A case in point, here in the northwest, in County Donegal this landscape of granite mountains covered in a soft, boggy carpet with just delicate highlights and shadows across the empty scene.
This, a glaciated valley features steep sides hundreds of metres in height.
Join me, Panoramic Ireland, to photograph landscapes like these.
Recently I was asked what Ireland is like in October, is it worth coming to for photography and of course my answer was indeed it is worth visiting in October.
Here are some of my favourite images from Octobers over the years, a small selection but waterfalls and woodlands make up a lot of the locations.
It should come as no surprise too that for the workshops and tours that I organise throughout Ireland, I recommend the coast often and get asked about the coast.
Here, a scene from a cloudy evening. After finishing up photographing some more well-known scenes from the Irish coast we set our sights on a tranquil scene of a calm Atlantic Ocean.
This image is one of my favourites from the evening's workshop.