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Displaying items by tag: landscape photography

Wednesday, 27 December 2017 18:51

Sunset Pastoral Scene in Ireland

This was at the end of a long day's photography workshop covering woodlands and waterfalls, Panoramic Ireland (that's me by the way) run photography workshops and tours for all levels in Ireland from Cork to Galway to Belfast to Dublin.

We were in Ireland's midlands for the best part of the session and sunset wasn't high on our priorities for the day but we happened on this scene and found that post-sunset cloud glow to be very photogenic with this pastoral scene of green fields and cows.

To join me on a photography workshop in Ireland for sunset photography, street photography or architectural photography and everything else as well use the contact page on the main menu above. Send me an email with whatever locations you are interested in and dates when you will be in Ireland.

In the meantime, enjoy this sunset scene, it's relaxing don't you think?

Published in Photo Tours
Sunday, 24 December 2017 23:51

Christmas 2017

As I write this the clock is about to turn past midnight and into Monday 25th December 2017, Christmas Day.

I have been working hard on many projects this year, currently on my best of images - my personal favourites from the past twelve months.

Here is one of my favourites, a setting sun lowering through the sky over Northern Ireland - rays shining across the green countryside and high into the bright blue sky.

Your support throughout this year, and previous years has made all of this possible and I look forward to continuing into 2018, chatting on social media, via emails and indeed meeting you on tours here in Ireland.

To book a photo tour, one-to-one photographic advice and mentoring session from anywhere in the world or to buy one of my prints please use the contact form in the top menu.

Published in Miscellaneous
Monday, 18 December 2017 15:53

Autumn Gives Way to Winter, Colourful Irish Lanes

We're now rightly through December and on our way to the end of 2017.

At the start of the year I posted about my last foray of 2016 along laneways in rural Ireland here.

At the end of autumn, just a few weeks ago I was exploring another lane, this time in Northern Ireland.

The resulting images are both very different but both convey the same idea - what lies ahead on the journey.

The differences for me between the black and white last lane of 2016 and this, last lane of autumn are massive. My journey has taken me to three commissions by the biggest name in world publishing - The New York Times, working on travel articles as a photographer.

I have of course worked for many other famous names in travel including Easyjet, Ritz-Carlton and Ireland's Irish Times and the UK's Sunday Times.

Continue with me on my journey in 2018 as I explore more of Ireland, follow me on social media or sign up for my newsletter.

Send me an email if you have any questions and I look forward to seeing some of you on one of my photography tours and workshops in Ireland.



Twitter: https://twitter.com/travelimages

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IrishImagesByPanoramicIreland/

Google Plus: https://plus.google.com/+DarrenMcLoughlin

Published in Photo Tours
Thursday, 14 December 2017 00:26

Snow in Ireland

The green fields of Ireland, looking lush green on a December day with snow-covered mountains.

Ireland doesn't receive a lot of snow, given that Dublin lies on the same latitude as Edmonton in Canada and northern Donegal is almost parallel with Moscow.

Published in Guide
Saturday, 04 November 2017 22:46

The River in Autumn

Autumn is of course well known as a colourful time of year and without doubt Ireland has many colourful places in September, October and November - the three months traditionally associated with autumn here at this latitude.

On this occasion, a small river in spate with water flowing over salmon weirs, captured on a photography workshop in the Irish countryside.

Published in Guide

Sometimes summer in Ireland is just not what you would expect. Well, perhaps it is what you might expect.

Usually our summers are filled with long days, sunshine and cloud with a good deal of rain but much blue sky - like this.

Summer 2017 has so far proved to be a good bit different with many grey days, lingering cloud and reduced sunshine. It has still been warm but all of this provides a challenge to the photographer.

Published in Photo Tours
Saturday, 26 August 2017 21:12

Bright Golden sunset Light after Grey Day

After a day when the weather was supposed to have been better, the evening's stormy sky changed to bright golden sunshine at sunset.

But only for a brief moment or two.

This image is of that sunset light, the embedded post below is of the stormy sky just before sunset and after the day's rain had ceased.

That's how the Irish weather goes, it's difficult to say if the weather will be good or bad but there is always going to be something worthwhile for the photographer.

I always leave for the day with a plan for landscape photography, and adapt according to the weather and other factors.

To learn how to photograph in any conditions such as these or these contact me using the contact page.

Published in Guide

Ireland's Wild Atlantic Way stretches for 2,500km along the country's Atlantic seaboard from Cork in the south to Donegal in the north.

Here is one small section of that coastline, in County Clare when on a photography workshop we stopped to photograph the delights of this county well known for traditional music, archaeology and Father Ted.

I call it 'Waves' and you can join me on a photography workshop in County Clare or anywhere along Ireland's Wild Atlantic Way.


Published in Photo Tours

A recent photography workshop saw us finish up for sunset at a famous Irish location but on the way we stopped here to capture this rural scene of green fields and sheep-dotted mountain ridges sidelighted by the low summer evening sun.


Published in Photo Tours
Saturday, 12 August 2017 20:57

The Old Fence

An old fence runs into deep waters from the shore.

I stopped here after a photography tour to capture this blue, wave-filled scene and used the fence to add interest into the image.

Published in Photo Tours
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