Unfortunately the ESB, formerly Ireland's only electricity supplier and Eirgrid - Ireland's state run electricity network saw fit to run electricity cable straight through this scene and across the island, one of the country's finest visual landscapes. The cables can be seen here running in from the right of the image and on either side the longer views are ruined by poles and cables covering the stunning hillsides.
Still, a photographer can make use of many techniques to reduce the visual impact of these eyesores that doesn't always involve Photoshop.
But of course, Photoshop can also be a photographer's friend in these cases.
To learn more about how to mitigate against badly placed elements in landscape photography by in-field techniques or digitally, join me on one of my photography workshops in Connemara or throughout Ireland in 2024.
See here for more: https://panoramicireland.com/photography-workshops-ireland/coastal-photography-course/galway-connemara-coastal-workshop