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Displaying items by tag: woodland

January and February are months that see the beginning of colour in the Irish countryside, in gardens and in hedgerows but also in woodlands.

Here, a little patch of fresh green and white from snowdrops Galanthus nivalis known as Plúirín sneachta in Irish.

As I spent the first weeks of 2024 photographing Atlantic rainforest in the west of Ireland, natural woods covered in mosses, lichens, ferns and native trees - all under the influence of Ireland's relatively mild and wet climate, I encountered these random patches of fresh white bobbing in the wind.

The woodland floor is red and brown, ivy, moss and ferns providing green throughout the winter yet the standout of any woodland in January are these delicate-looking but very hardy plants. Especially in a winter and spring with little to no snow such as 2024. Don't forget that spring starts on Saint Brigid's Day (1st of February) in Ireland.


Snowdrops or pluirín sneachta in an Irish woodland in February.
Snowdrops or pluirín sneachta in an Irish woodland in February.


And there were already a few primroses coming through too. These little native flowers flower usually from February through to May, depending on location. The latin name Primula means first flower and the Irish name Sabhaircín comes from sabhairc which is the Irish word for fresh - little fresh or freshy in this case.

Primrose (Primula vulgaris) in a natural Irish woodland in February. Known as Sabhaircín in Irish.
Primrose (Primula vulgaris) in a natural Irish woodland in February. Known as Sabhaircín in Irish.


I have written about snowdrops before of course.

More on the woodlands of the west of Ireland to follow.

To join me photographing in the woods of Ireland, including the temperate, Atlantic rainforest use the contact page to find out more.

Published in Photo Tours

Autumn is on its way here in Ireland, as we stopped to photograph the woodland stream beech leaves were falling constantly, not in large numbers but solely and constantly like the lightest snowfall.

Seen here, the bright reds of those fallen beech leaves lying on rich green moss-covered rocks alongside the woodland stream.

I'm sure there is some statistical analysis that can be done to predict whether a leaf will fall from its petiole, 20 metres to the ground, to land and become part of the photographer's image or be swiftly carried along by the stream which is fast-flowing and narrow, wide and slow in places, to flow towards the sea.

Or indeed to be thrown on to a rock and deposited there as higher water recedes.

The green moss here vibrant from recent wet weather, the same precipitation that feeds the stream and helps to bring those dried leaves to the ground.

And it's a scenic sight, reds and greens saturating this small corner of the Irish countryside.

Join me, Panoramic Ireland, to photograph in Ireland's woodlands in autumn, spring, summer and why not in winter too - literally all year round; improve your landscape photography on location.

Published in Photo Tours
Tuesday, 03 October 2023 00:35

Misty Woodland Corner, October in Ireland

I did say that Ireland is a scenic place in October in a recent post here and I did promise more from the October archives as well as current images from October 2023 as I travel throughout Ireland.

Here, a small woodland in rain and mist with autumnal foliage in a scene that could be from any era of photography.

The challenge on this morning was to keep the camera dry, but amazingly the afternoon turned to bright sunshine and all with a warm breeze.

Join me, Panoramic Ireland, to find scenes like these in different parts of Ireland from Antrim, to Cork, to Dublin to Galway.

Published in Guide
Friday, 09 June 2023 20:50

Path Through the Bluebells, Ireland

There is little more enjoyable in spring than walking through a woodland filled with bluebells.

Here, a path leading through the scene deeper into the forest.

Bluebells Hyacinthoides non-scripta carpet hillsides and woodlands in April and May each year in Ireland.

And here on the photography workshop in the Irish countryside saw us photograph in ideal conditions with sidelighting that wasn't too strong, little wind and we moved on to some of the area's rivers afterwards.

Join me in Ireland to photograph scenes like this, bluebells are gone now for the year but Ireland has something of interest to photograph all year round.

Published in Photo Tours
Monday, 20 March 2023 18:54

A Path Through the Woods in Spring, Ireland

It's an exciting time here in Ireland, Saint Patrick's Day has just finished, the Irish rugby team won the Six Nations and remains at number one in the world.

It is also the equinox, so we now move into the six months of the year when daylight is longer than darkness.

And while there isn't much in the way of summer colour just yet, the bright and fresh green of spring is on the way.

Published in Guide
Wednesday, 11 January 2023 19:13

Winter Walk in the Woods

While researching new locations for photography workshops recently, I found this very scenic woodland for the first time.

Not a famous location, and all the better for it. This woodland is quiet and has a mixture of native and non-native broadleaf trees.

Unfortunately it is increasingly being surrounded by large conifer plantations that often result in the decline of these deciduous arboreal islands and the life that exists therein.

Walking in the Woods, Winter in Ireland
Walking in the Woods, Winter in Ireland

I don't think it is an ancient woodland, rare places in Ireland, but it certainly is old and has the look of a very pretty wood indeed with narrow, twisting paths, a river, moss-covered rocks and trees, as well as plenty of wildlife.

I will be back here to photograph and to lead photography workshops so if you would like to join me to learn how to photograph woodland scenes, contact me to improve your photography in 2023 in Ireland's fantastically scenic woodlands.

Published in Guide
Monday, 14 November 2022 15:46

Golden Colour on the Autumn Road, Ireland

Bright golden autumn colour on one of Ireland's many back roads.

While some Irish thoroughfares get all the attention, The Dark Hedges and Grafton Street being two prime examples, the country is accessible from a dense network of small back roads that, in many places, are incredibly scenic.

Just colour here beside a small river, enough to make you want to stop and just take it all in for the few weeks of autumn every year.

The season is changing now and after lots of windy but warm weather recently most of the leaves are off the trees. The bare season of winter is nearly here.

Scenic and Colourful Irish Road in AutumnScenic and Colourful Irish Road in Autumn

Published in Miscellaneous
Tuesday, 02 November 2021 00:11

Autumn Colour in Ireland

Autumn is well and truly here in Ireland.

We have now passed the autumn equinox by around six weeks, with six weeks to go to the shortest day of the year. 

Temperatures are dropping along with the shortening day length, but we do have clear blue skies this week.

Autumn is a time of colour of course, so woodlands and the mountains take on a stereotypical burst of colour as green moves to yellow, brown and red.

Time to enjoy photographing the pockets of deciduous woodland that dot the Irish landscape.

Published in Miscellaneous
Monday, 19 April 2021 01:14

An Irish Waterfall in Summer and Autumn

Water falls over the waterfall, that's what a waterfall does; but sometimes in dry conditions, here during summer, it loses its scale.

In full flow, the waterfall fills this rockface with a powerful force of continuously falling water, flowing fast from the deep rock pool below.

Where water doesn't regularly flow vegetation can be found, green mats of bryophytes and bunches of ferns - sometimes tucked away in niches behind the falls as seen in the images above and below.

In full flow waterfalls are difficult to photograph, often generating a spray that can mist a camera lens in less than a second. Below the same waterfall with much more flow as autumn ends.

Join Panoramic Ireland in 2021 to photograph scenic Irish waterfalls and landscapes.

An Irish Waterfall Scene in Autumn
An Irish Waterfall Scene in Autumn
Published in Photo Tours
Thursday, 26 November 2020 22:16

In the Woods, a Bright Clearing

The greenery of a woodland clearing is a relaxing place to stop and admire the scenery of the natural environment.

Here, a mixed woodland of native Irish trees on the left gives way to imported, planted sitka on the right, the forest here becomes dark and uninviting.

But in this small boundary area, grasses and mosses grow in the light-filled clearing and of course I found my eye drawn through the scene deeper into the deciduous woods.


An Irish Woodland Scene
An Irish Woodland Scene

Here, an ancient Irish woodland: https://panoramicireland.com/photo-tours-blog/116-ancient-woodland-co-kerry-ireland

Published in Photo Tours
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