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Darren McLoughlin

Irishman and International travel photographer in search of the best bits of Ireland. Leading photography tours and experiences in Ireland.

Contributor to New York Times / Sunday Times / Irish Times / Echtra Echtra and Eonmusic

Cancer survivor.

Ask me about travel in Ireland or about photography in Ireland.

Wednesday, 31 August 2022 00:42

Black and White Landscape, Ireland

I usually do prefer to work with colour images, for more than 99% of the photographs that I make they are in colour.

But every so often I do enjoy a good black and white image such as here in this landscape image of a tumbledown cottage amongst the mountain scenery from the west of Ireland.

Join Panoramic Ireland to photograph scenes like this from the Atlantic fringe of Ireland - photography tours and workshops operate all year round.

Ireland has no shortage of fine mountain and valley scenery, despite having no large mountains - nothing over 1,040 metres above sea level.

Here in late summer, one of many such Irish landscapes, the small buildings with tin roof, rusted from years of exposure - standing out amongst the green of the west of Ireland, mirrored in the bright colours of the rowan berries from the mountain ash in the foreground.

A cloud filled sky creates a light and shadow patchwork over the steep slopes of this countryside scene.

Join Panoramic Ireland to photograph in the west of Ireland.

Thursday, 18 August 2022 20:19

Sunlight on the Stones, Giant's Causeway

There is no doubt that the Giant's Causeway is one of the most scenic places in Ireland and it definitely one of Panoramic Ireland's favourite places to photograph.

Here, some of the 40,000 basalt columns of the causeway receive the last sunshine of the day before the sun sets for the evening.

Crashing waves cover the lower rocks during a long exposure.

To learn how to photograph seascapes, long exposures like this join me, Panoramic Ireland, for a photography workshop on the famous Antrim Coast and Giant's Causeway all year round.

Find out more here: https://panoramicireland.com/photography-workshops-ireland/northern-ireland-photography-workshops-photo-tours/book-a-photo-tour-in-northern-ireland-causeway-coast

Such a colourful scene as Cirsium vulgare, the common thistle, provides pollen for the brightly coloured red-tailed bumblebee or Bombus lapidarius in the Irish countryside.

The red-tailed bumblebee is a common bee in Ireland although according to a 2006 NPWS report it was listed as near threatened.

I could have sat and watched, and indeed photographed, these bees all day as they came and went but on I then went leaving them to their industriousness; finding another scene to photograph as the hot summer day baked the landscape all around.

It is interesting to note that the red-tailed bumblebee is reported as being almost absent from agricultural areas in Ireland and yet this is exactly where I found it, the edge of a large barley field in the Irish countryside that had an abundance of flowering thistles at its edge. A good sign hopefully.

The field was a-buzz with bees of different types including the buff-tailed bumblebee that I wrote about in a recent post.

Join me to photograph bees, boats and beaches at blue hour in Ireland on a Panoramic Ireland photography workshop.

Red-tailed bumblebee, Bombus lapidarius on thistle flower in Ireland, Summer 2022
Red-tailed bumblebee, Bombus lapidarius on thistle flower in Ireland, Summer 2022


Red-tailed bumblebee, Bombus lapidarius on thistle flower in Ireland, Summer 2022
Red-tailed bumblebee, Bombus lapidarius on thistle flower in Ireland, Summer 2022
Sunday, 14 August 2022 23:12

Lightning Over the Church, Ireland

The heatwave that has finally hit Ireland has now ended, with thunderstorms over the country.

Temperatures exceeded 31C this week but as of Sunday night thunder and lightning is now the dominant weather.

Here, lightning over one of Ireland's many fine church buildings.

The thistle Cirsium vulgare may be the national flower of Scotland, but they do also grow well in Ireland and Irish bumblebees such as this buff-tailed bumblebee Bombus terrestris enjoy the purple flowers in late summer.

Seen here on a hot August day in 2022 in the south east of Ireland, where I found some at the edge of a field which was a hive of activity for these social bees.

Sunday, 07 August 2022 22:40

Meet Jack, Cork's Friendliest Cat

Meet Jack the black cat, Cork's friendliest cat.

Walking through Cork, before or after one of my Cork City photo tours I often take time to go out of my way and visit Jack, who will definitely appreciate it if you do indeed stop to say hi.

Join me to photograph in Cork or somewhere else in Ireland.

Red sky at night, shepherd's delight goes the old saying. And that red sky in the evening does usually bring good weather the following day.

There is science to back up the ages old phrase, a red sky is caused by small particles of dust and other airborne particles are trapped in the atmosphere by high pressure.

These particles block light from the sun, scattering or deflecting the light as it passes through the atmosphere.

The shorter wavelengths of blue and violet get scattered more easily leaving more of the longer wavelength red light to make its way across the sky.

Of course, to see this weather phenomenon often it helps when the predominant weather comes from the west which it does in Ireland.

So between you and the sun is the incoming high pressure from the west with dust that scatters shorter wavelengths of light.

Photographers usually enjoy photographing sunsets, so maybe it should be changed to Red sky at night, photographer's delight.

Join me, Panoramic Ireland, to photograph fine sunsets like these all over Ireland.

Red Sky at Night, Shepherd's Delight over Ireland
Red Sky at Night, Shepherd's Delight over Ireland


Red Sky at Night, Shepherd's Delight West of Ireland
Red Sky at Night, Shepherd's Delight West of Ireland

Adobe Lightroom Classic is full of shortcuts and learning them all can be slightly overwhelming.

Here is one shortcut that is useful, well two maybe.

Exporting photos from Lightroom is one of the most repeated tasks and speeding up that process can make a project quicker.


There are a few ways to get to the export dialog in Lightroom:

Thursday, 04 August 2022 23:36

Offshore Wave, Ireland's Coast

Standing atop steep cliffs high above the Atlantic Ocean, I watched the power of the incoming swell as it met subsurface changes.

A fairly calm ocean on a warm, late spring day yet this power came from almost nowhere.

It looks small just like a small crashing wave but, for scale, a guillemot flying low over the surging white water helps to illustrate the magnitude of just this one tiny part of the Atlantic.

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