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Displaying items by tag: Giant's Causeway

Thursday, 18 August 2022 20:19

Sunlight on the Stones, Giant's Causeway

There is no doubt that the Giant's Causeway is one of the most scenic places in Ireland and it definitely one of Panoramic Ireland's favourite places to photograph.

Here, some of the 40,000 basalt columns of the causeway receive the last sunshine of the day before the sun sets for the evening.

Crashing waves cover the lower rocks during a long exposure.

To learn how to photograph seascapes, long exposures like this join me, Panoramic Ireland, for a photography workshop on the famous Antrim Coast and Giant's Causeway all year round.

Find out more here: https://panoramicireland.com/photography-workshops-ireland/northern-ireland-photography-workshops-photo-tours/book-a-photo-tour-in-northern-ireland-causeway-coast

Published in Photo Tours
Monday, 11 April 2022 21:25

Spring at the Giant's Causeway

The Giant's Causeway needs no introduction here on Panoramic Ireland, it's a favourite place to photograph.

Here a quiet moment in spring looking up towards the headland along the basalt columns in contrast to the images below that show the columns and the dramatic, crashing waves of the North Atlantic.

Throughout 2022 I will be returning here to one of my favourite places to photograph, at the Giant's Causeway, many times.

Published in Photo Tours
Thursday, 05 December 2019 13:54

After sunset, Blue Hour at the Giant's Causeway

Landscape photography is a fine pursuit; much like the angler will appreciate the solitude, or camaraderie, to be found on a riverbank or lakeside so too the landscape photographer enjoys an evening out on the coast surrounded by nature.

Here is no exception, the famous basalt columns of Northern Ireland's world-famous World Heritage Site Giant's Causeway had done their work for the day and the last feet had been lifted off these natural regular-sided stepping stones.

Published in Photo Tours

The blue hour and golden hour that both occur every morning and evening are rightly considered by landscape photographers to be the best times of day to capture scenic landscapes.

Lasting for a short time either side of sunrise and sunset the ephemeral light is soft and colourful, sympathetic to the natural landscapes.

Published in Photo Tours
Saturday, 07 October 2017 22:34

Stormy Day at the Giant's Causeway

A recent photography workshop saw me at the UNESCO World Heritage Site Giant's Causeway on the Antrim Coast in my own Northern Ireland.

It was a stormy day, the previous day saw a lot of rainfall although we did get many images even with the pouring rain, and continuing in the same way this morning started out windy as well but dry.

You can see some of the stormy scenes here of waves pounding this small section of the Giant's Causeway and its distinctive basalt columns.

I have written about the Giant's Causeway here before on Panoramic Ireland.

Join Panoramic Ireland, that's me, on a photography tour to the Giant's Causeway. You know how to contact me by now!

Published in Photo Tours
Friday, 16 June 2017 21:35

Giant's Causeway at Sunset

On a recent photography workshop to the Antrim Coast, specifically the Giant's Causeway, in between shooting images I made some video of the stunning UNESCO World Heritage Site that is close to where I grew up and studied at University.

I have written about the Causeway in recent weeks, you can read more about that here and to book a photography tour or workshop on the Antrim Coast please contact me here.


Published in Guide

Some say it was a giant, Finn McCool or Fionn mac Cumhaill who built the causeway known as the Giant's Causeway. Finn was an Irish giant who, according to one version of the myth, was having a fight with his rival in Scotland called Benandonner.

Finn built the causeway, using rocks as stepping stones across the Irish Sea to Scotland so they could fight but when Finn realised he couldn't fight Benandonner and win, on account of the Scot's size, his wife suggested that Finn hide in the baby's cot. When Benandonner arrived looking for Finn he looked into the baby's cot and upon seeing the size of the baby, returned in haste to Scotland tearing up the causeway as he went.

The story explains why the same basalt columns are found in Scotland, on the island of Staffa particularly in a place known as Fingal's Cave - another name for Finn.

In reality the Giant's Causeway was formed some 50 to 60 million years ago when the chalk rocks of this part of Antrim were overlaid with basalt from massive volcanic activity.

Published in Guide
Tuesday, 13 September 2016 18:46

Antrim Coast and the Giant's Causeway

The Antrim Coast of Northern Ireland, home to the well-known Giant's Causeway is one of my favourite places to photograph, it is also one of the best places in which to lead a photography workshop.

Here, an image taken from a recent workshop that I led centred on the UNESCO World Heritage Site.

To find out more about Panoramic Ireland's photography tours and workshops in Northern Ireland see this page: http://panoramicireland.com/photography-workshops-ireland/northern-ireland-photography-workshops-photo-tours

Published in Photo Tours
Friday, 30 November 2001 00:00

Giant's Causeway Panorama, Northern Ireland

The Giant's Causeway at Blue Hour

Giant's Causeway Panorama by Panoramic Ireland

I was leading a photo tour last week at the Giant's Causeway, not far from where I grew up on the north coast of Antrim. Of course the weather wasn't wonderful, plenty of winds and rain made it quite tricky to get a shot.

This is Game of Thrones territory, the last four seasons have been filmed in and around the Antrim Coast.

Landscape photography was the order of the day at the UNESCO World Heritage Site and tripods weren't staying steady in the winds.

Published in Photo Tours
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