Easy to confuse with shags, usually cormorants will have a white patch, as seen in the image above, around the thigh and also cormorants are more likely to be found inland even at lake and river sites.
Shags have a steeper forehead rising from the bill which is marked by a crest of feathers and almost always in Ireland remain coastal.
If you are wondering how seabirds get airborne, here's an interesting sequence from the west of Ireland.
Quite a sight, a fine sunny summer's day and the sounds of wildlife all around.
Finally airborne.
In Northern Ireland, herring gulls experienced a population increase during the 1950s-1970s, in the Seabird Colony Register census from 1985-1988 there were 17,561 pairs of herring gulls in NI while in a follow-up survey, the Seabird 2000 census, only 722 pairs were recorded.
But, when it opens its bill there is a flash of bright, almost golden yellow on the bird's palate.
This pair are engaging in mating behaviour but the bright yellow can also be useful for chicks being fed and razorbills often quarrel with each other with bills wide open in what is known as bill-gaping.
Each pair will only have one egg and both male and female feed the chick for approximately three weeks.
At around twenty days old the chicks follow the male into the ocean, leaping from the cliff and are fed by him until old enough to become self-sufficient.
Like fulmars, razorbills can live to forty years or more.
Recent weeks have seen me photographing nightlife rather than wildlife at many concerts in Dublin and Belfast, including Whitesnake, Queen and Bryan Adams.
Each year the fulmar will return to the same ledge on the same cliff and will often mate for life. It lives for over 40 years and is a pelagic feeder of any type of fish.
The upper feathers are grey with brown feathers often visible, though most guides fail to mention these they are very evident in the image above. Undersides are white and the fulmar has a distinctive blue portion of the nose.
The fulmar is one of Ireland's fascinating seabirds, fantastic when seen in flight.
We might be restricted right now from moving too far from home but if you have a garden, balcony or window box then and some flowers then the chances are you have bees visiting.
Here the white-tailed bumblebee Bombus lucorum sits on rosemary flowers on a sunny day. I wrote about bumblebees back in February in regards to the traditional start of Irish Spring, Saint Brigid's Day.
Keep an eye out for more bee images to come here on Panoramic Ireland.
Here it is seen with what looks like a decent sized trout. This is a big creature, male otters can reach 1.3m nose to tail and they look impressive when you see them cutting through the water's surface.
This is undoubtedly one of the finest animals to see, along with Ireland's other elusive mammal the pine marten.