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Displaying items by tag: trees

Sunday, 16 August 2020 21:43

Seeking Shelter

Sheep find shelter on a lonely, almost treeless landscape in the Irish mountains.

At the end of a photography workshop, after photographing a small river and waterfalls we found this Irish scene of lush green trees, empty landscape and sheep sheltering behind tufts of vegetation.

And of course it made a scene worth photographing, different to those landscapes that we had spent the morning capturing, but as interesting as any scene.

Join me, Panoramic Ireland, on a photography workshop in Ireland - from Dublin to Galway, Kerry to Antrim.

Sheep shelter under green trees in the Irish countryside
Sheep shelter under green trees in the Irish countryside
Published in Photo Tours

Scots pine or Pinus sylvestris is a native tree to Ireland, it grows tall and graceful with a reddish colour to its wood.

Here, in this abandoned farm high in the Irish mountains this Scots pine, planted a century ago, has fallen over and for many years has grown upwards from its reclining position supported by the old field boundary.

Sheep graze among the trees in the background underneath the rounded mountain summit above.

Published in Photo Tours

Northern Ireland's most photographed road, the Dark Hedges on Bregagh Road known to many Game of Thrones fans around the world as the King's Road needs little introduction.

It is a scenic, leafy avenue of beech trees close to the UNESCO World Heritage Site The Giant's Causeway.

It is also a place that I enjoy photographing in, even with the challenges of overtourism that have blighted this leafily scenic route to the coast.

Published in Guide
Thursday, 04 October 2018 22:53

Lush Woodland Stream in September, Ireland

The day was long and we visited the coast at sunrise, followed by a foray into the woods of Ireland's interior.

We made the coast our main focus but how could we have resisted the colourful charms of this woodland scene? Would you pass on this one?

Published in Guide
Friday, 08 June 2018 00:17

May is the month of Hawthorn

Spring, and May in particular, is the month of hawthorn Crataegus.


In Ireland hawthorn trees are associated with faeries and superstition exists even to this day. It is considered bad luck to cut down or remove a hawthorn tree so they are often seen growing in the countryside in the middle of fields surrounded by green pasture.


Here in May and into June the tiny white blossom flowers of hawthorn brighten hedgerows throughout Ireland, covering rural laneways and fields with delicate petals.


Here is a short video of hawthorn before it gains its leaves and blossom in spring - http://panoramicireland.com/photo-tours-blog/calm-solitude-from-irelands-west-sunset-at-the-lake


Join me, Panoramic Ireland, to photograph the ephemeral beauty of the Irish landscape.

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Coastal Landscape Photography
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