See more like this: Path to the Sun, Ireland in Wnter
Photography and Ireland. It doesn't always involve snow, not even in the mountains.
As I looked out to green fields and sunny blue skies on the mountain slopes today, not a drop of the white blanket to be seen, it seemed a far way away from this image where, during a photography workshop on how to photograph snowy landscapes we made our way up the mountain - its road snow-covered and icy, at one point it was almost impossible to make it up the ever-steepening slopes.
Along the way DK and I had plenty of landscapes to photograph. I explained how to photograph the often bright snow to gain the best from any weather conditions, afterwards we warmed up and had a short session on how to edit images in Lightroom.
Why would you want to take a photography tour / workshop / experience with me, I hear you ask.
Ireland doesn't receive a lot of snow, given that Dublin lies on the same latitude as Edmonton in Canada and northern Donegal is almost parallel with Moscow.
A typical stormy winter's day in Ireland's West, the view of mountains and lakes with a celtic cross in the foreground. A bracing and worthwhile walk along steepening paths, past sheep, fences and field boundaries took me over the pass and to this view over the wild west of Ireland.