There is a special serenity to the morning, an ephemeral liminality as the short-lived golden light moves into bright daylight.
And at this time of year, it's getting bright around 06:00, with sunrise under an hour later.
Sometimes the weather forecast shows for cloudy, boring and rainy weather here in Ireland.
That was true of the morning when I made the effort to head to the coast, one could have been forgiven for abandoning the morning's photoshoot or at least for not expecting much in the way of good images.
Yet here is the reward for patience, the lower clouds undulating across the sky pick up the first rays of the sun while those above slowly change colour.
The past few weeks have been busy here at as I traverse the length and breadth of Ireland.
Early morning, after the bright pink awesomeness of the first sunlight, more subtle scenes appear in the brightening sky.
They say the weather is one of the most talked about topics of conversation here in Ireland, the past few weeks would probably prove that.
The end of winter saw snow storms, spring was cold with some blisteringly hot days and now we have stormy conditions as we enter May, many column inches and headlines have been dedicated to the topic of the unusual weather.
Sometimes the early morning just gives more than you expect.
Making the effort to get out early for sunrise makes a lot of sense, especially on the east coast of Ireland.
On this occasion I knew the tide would be out giving the opportunity to get a wet sand foreshore that will reflect the sunrise sky's brightness and vivid colours such as here in this image.
What is harder to predict is the actual sunrise, but it is always worth making the effort to get up and get out with camera ahead of the arrival of a new day.
What we look for in sunrise skies are some high level clouds, blue sky and a clear horizon. That allows the early morning sunlight to shine across the sky and landscape catching the edges of those clouds above and any buildings down here on the ground.
On this morning the perfect combination - just look at that colour!
It doesn't have to be epic, just appropriate and the sunrise will make it beautiful.
A recent photography workshop took me to Dublin Bay where we photographed the bright sunrise sky.
The morning's forecast was meant to be for good weather and it didn't disappoint, the pinks and oranges shine across the cloud-filled sky and reflect off the surface of the calm Irish Sea.
Setting up our tripods, we waited as the light changed from darkness through the blue hour, golden hour and into daylight - photographing all the while.
This is one of my favourite images of 2017 taken at Dublin's famous Forty Foot swimming spot.
To join me on a photography tour of Dublin and its bay contact me.