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Displaying items by tag: photography workshop

Friday, 17 April 2020 22:48

On the Road, Scenes from Ireland

We can't journey as much through the Irish countryside right now with current restrictions on movement.

Here an image that makes me keen to get back out into the green, mountainous scenery of Ireland.

It makes me think of this quote from On the Road by Jack Kerouac:

“All he needed was a wheel in his hand and four on the road.”

While many of us are at home looking through image archives it makes for a good time to learn and to improve photography, why not join me on a private online photography class to cover any topics you want - from Lightroom (tone curve, sharpening, exposure adjustments, presence etc), managing image libraries, Photoshop, planning photographic projects and critique of images and portfolios. 

Find out more here: https://panoramicireland.com/photography-workshops-ireland/online-photography-class-tutorial-professional-photographer

So if you can't join me on one of my photography tours and workshops in Ireland, why not join me online using whatever video app you prefer.

Published in Photo Tours
Wednesday, 01 April 2020 21:07

Photobombed by a Donkey in Ireland

We may be looking through the archives but here is one that never fails to make me laugh.

As I was explaining depth of field on a photography workshop with JMcC from Ontario, Canada this donkey popped up and crashed the shot and perfectly illustrated the concept of depth of field and selective focus.

To learn more about photography during the current Coronavirus quarantine, why not take a personal online photography workshop with me any day of the week, any time of day to suit your location via Google Hangouts, Zoom etc.

Contact me to find out more - sessions from 45 mins to 1 hr 15 mins. Learn how to use Lightroom, Photoshop or other editing software and manage your image collection as well as photography concepts such as depth of field.

Published in Photo Tours

Away from the crowds, in fact away from everyone the Irish countryside is a perfect destination for landscape and travel photography.

Here a rural road through the green Irish countryside leads us to the mountains just as a little bit of rain starts to fall.

You can see the rain streaking across this dramatic grey sky, but it didn't stay that way for long with sunshine coming out soon after.

Join Panoramic Ireland on a private photography workshop in the Irish countryside away from the crowds.

Places available right now, throughout March, April, May and on - 365 days of the year

Published in Photo Tours
Sunday, 08 March 2020 18:37

It was, literally, a walk in the park

After finishing today's photography workshop I took a few moments to photograph for myself at a small river and woodland in the Irish countryside.

Here I found a path through the woods, hence the title of this post - a walk in the park with sunshine and shadow.

I was reminded of this quote while admiring the scene in front of me:

“A path is made by walking on it.”

― Chuang Tzu

And what a fine day it has been, perfect for photography with some rainshowers but mostly sunshine and cloud with blue sky.

Join me, Panoramic Ireland, for a private photography workshop in Ireland - no crowds, no groups.

Published in Photo Tours
Sunday, 23 February 2020 21:45

Sunset Silhouette in Dublin

Dublin is a place of colour and charm, here the setting sun brightens up the sky over the River Liffey.

On the photography workshop we experimented with silhouettes of the famous skyline from this part of Dublin.

The colours and dark outlines of the city's buildings captured the atmosphere of the evening in the Irish capital.

Join Panoramic Ireland to photograph Dublin on one of our Dublin Photo Tours.

Published in Photo Tours
Sunday, 05 January 2020 21:32

River in Winter, Ireland

Landscape and nature photography in Ireland doesn't stop just because it is winter.

Landscape photographers enjoy the winter just as much as any other season, there is always the chance of snow of course and the bright clear winter sunlight.

But even a woodland, with trees devoid of leaves can look fine in winter.

Published in Photo Tours
Sunday, 29 December 2019 00:04

Solstice Sunset from the West of Ireland

The sun sets on another day, another solar year passes, the days get longer from now on - Ireland and the northern hemisphere pass the the winter solstice.

In Ireland the winter solstice has long been an important point of the year, Ireland's most famous monument at Newgrange is aligned with sunrise on the winter solstice (December 21/22) - read more here.

Reflected in the western beach Ireland's Wild Atlantic Way greets the colourful sunset, beaming from sheeny sands.

Published in Photo Tours
Friday, 27 September 2019 20:48

The Green Road

I have written about green roads and rural lanes here on Panoramic Ireland before. Here is one from a walk in the Irish countryside earlier this year, 2019: https://panoramicireland.com/blog-ireland-guide/irish-summer-green-rural-lane-trees-exploring

Here, stopping along the back roads of the Irish countryside - in the west we went exploring and photographed one of the most scenic lanes in the country.

Published in Guide
Thursday, 29 August 2019 22:01

Coumeenole Beach, Dingle

Ireland''s west coast, the Wild Atlantic Way conjures up images of stormy ocean waves and barren rocky headlands.

And for much of its 2,500 or so kilometres it is that way, but it isn't barren and not always rocky; it is visually scenic.

Panoramic Ireland returned to Dingle recently for a photography workshop in one of Ireland's most beautiful places.

Here is the famous Coumeenole beach, complete with gull and those gentle waves that the Atlantic sometimes gives us. To the right is the rocky headland of Dunmore Head and the Blasket Islands beyond.

Published in Photo Tours
Monday, 03 June 2019 23:35

Sheep in the Irish Countryside

Low visibility is a common problem in Ireland, landscape photography usually requires long, clear uninterrupted views so on this occasion we headed away from the big views and looked instead for scenes that suited the weather.

Here, we stopped on one of Panoramic Ireland's photography workshops in the Irish countryside to photograph sheep under a grey sky but a colourful landscape.

Lush green of late spring in Ireland both in the fields and the hedges, broken by bright orange-yellow flowers of gorse and white flowers of hawthorn.

Published in Photo Tours
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