Such a colourful scene as Cirsium vulgare, the common thistle, provides pollen for the brightly coloured red-tailed bumblebee or Bombus lapidarius in the Irish countryside.
The red-tailed bumblebee is a common bee in Ireland although according to a 2006 NPWS report it was listed as near threatened.
I could have sat and watched, and indeed photographed, these bees all day as they came and went but on I then went leaving them to their industriousness; finding another scene to photograph as the hot summer day baked the landscape all around.
It is interesting to note that the red-tailed bumblebee is reported as being almost absent from agricultural areas in Ireland and yet this is exactly where I found it, the edge of a large barley field in the Irish countryside that had an abundance of flowering thistles at its edge. A good sign hopefully.
The field was a-buzz with bees of different types including the buff-tailed bumblebee that I wrote about in a recent post.
Join me to photograph bees, boats and beaches at blue hour in Ireland on a Panoramic Ireland photography workshop.